我恼羞成怒,于是通过非法入侵、偷拍谍照、与女人上床、跟踪她、强行奸污她、围成一圈奸污她等方式进行彻底报复。 田中奈奈
原標題: MVG-084 突然オンナに別れを告げられ家を追い出される事に…ムカついたので不法侵入・盗撮・睡姦・尾行・強●・輪● 鬼畜集団レ×プで徹底的に復讐する。 田中ねね
He is an unemployed pimp who has been living in his girlfriend's house. One day, the woman suddenly breaks up with him and he is evicted from the house. The angry man, seeking revenge, sets up a camera in the woman's house with a duplicate key, and plans to make money by taking pictures of the entirety of her life. The situation escalates further when the man's delinquent friends learn of this and join the story. Trespassing, voyeurism, sleep-rape, tailing, forced rape, and gang rape...the endless, question-and-answer, no-holds-barred, devilish group rape begins... #Yoro P.