一个炎热潮湿的乡村暑假。她与手无寸铁的妹妹沉浸在汗流浃背的性爱中。 夏目绫春

原標題: ADN-337 蒸し暑い田舎の夏休み。無防備な彼女のお姉さんと汗だくセックスに溺れた。 夏目彩春

During the Obon vacation, I decided to go to my engaged girlfriend's parents' house. I had heard about it, but it was in the countryside with no convenience stores around. The only person who greeted me was her sister, Ayaharu. Apparently, her parents had misunderstood the schedule of their trip. I was a little disappointed, but... that didn't matter anymore. My mind was occupied with Ayaharu-san.