我的姐姐,曾经美丽动人,却在晚年沦为孝女NEET,婚姻失败,在家与父母相依为命,每天玩情色游戏,积累性欲,窃听伦理,情欲觉醒。她之所以陷入困境,是因为她把我--她的弟弟--当作自慰工具,当作中达志肉棒玩具.....! 森泽加奈

原標題: MIAB-315 綺麗だった姉はアラサー喪女ニート 結婚に失敗して実家に引きこもり、毎日エロゲーばかりで性欲溜め込み、倫理観バグって、エロス覚醒。弟の僕を中出し肉棒オモチャとしてオナニー道具にして困ってます…! 森沢かな

When I returned to my parents' house for the first time in a while, I found my sister Kana, who had become a mourning woman and a NEET after her divorce. Unlike the strong and beautiful sister she used to be, Kana is selfish and out of control, and it seems that her mother, who has been giving her a hard time, won't be coming home for a while. When she shows her boobs to him, he gets an erection without thinking... My sister, who has built up her sexual appetite by playing erotic games every day, is very interested in my cock, which has grown since those days! She has also developed a bug in her sense of ethics and has turned me, her little brother, into a toy with her dick! Even though I knew it was wrong, I couldn't resist the sight of my sister tasting my cock deep inside her womb, so I ejaculated inside her! Then my sister and I fucked again and again in the living room, in the bathroom, in her room, and so on until morning like crazy...!