JUQ-209 炎炎夏日。一个充满异国情调的妻子与厌恶她的公公在汗水和唾液中接吻。 劳伦-河内

原標題: JUQ-209 蒸せ返るような暑さの夏。異国妻は嫌悪する義父の、汗と唾液が絡まる接吻性交に堕ちて―。 ローレン花恋

I met and married Atsushi who works as an engineer in the U.S. and now I am living with my stepfather in Japan due to his work. I am having a hard time getting used to the Japanese culture, and in addition to that, my father-in-law keeps giving me the "H" eye.... One day, my husband went on a business trip and I had to spend time alone with my father-in-law. I was in agony because I couldn't spend time with my husband, and my father-in-law came on to me as if he could see through everything....

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