我强奸了我的两个学生长达 48 小时,把她们变成了没有我就活不下去的躯体。 松本一香、花刈舞

原標題: ATID-463 教え子2人を48時間犯し続けて、俺無しでは生きていけないカラダにしてやった。 松本いちか 花狩まい

Hanagari is serious, mature, and easy to trust. In my hands, it would be easy to corrupt her. The problem is Matsumoto. She is active and alert, and I was going to use Hanagari as a story to lure her in. I was confident that I could get her to fall for me if she tasted my sex. Ah...I can't wait to have sex surrounded by young, smooth skin (laughs).